Evolution Of Play Ground Surfaces

December 20, 2020

As a father of four, safety is a top priority when it comes to anything that involves my children. I get it – kids like to play and climb all over the playground – I actually encourage it! I was never afraid of them playing, it was the fall that had instilled fear in me. Almost every parent has heard news at one time or another of an innocent child falling from a playground structure, creating serious head trauma – sometimes death.
New standards have been put in place over the years to help reduce the risk of serious injury by fall. I am proud to have been able to travel from state to state to replace existing playground surfaces with artificial turf. Through extensive study of fall patterns, different surfaces, traffic wear and products to help make playgrounds safer for children everywhere. This month’s Ask JW will go over how to install safe, durable, and beautiful synthetic grass playground surfaces.

For more information contact J.W. askjw@sgwcorp.com or call 888.846.3598

To read more about Evolution Of Play Ground Surfaces

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