Synthetic turf is as maintenance free as maintenance free gets. There is no doubt Synthetic turf saves money and time, especially when it takes a lot of work to create a plush, ever green lawn. Contractors that maintain commercial projects need to understand the “Do’s and Don’ts” when maintaining synthetic turf. Below are my recommendations when maintaining commercial synthetic turf installations.


Extensive foot traffic over a period of time may cause seam rupture. It is advantageous that all seems be inspected and repaired if needed.

Removal of Debris

The easiest and fastest way to remove debris from synthetic turf is using a leaf blower. I recommend blowing all of the debris to one side then removing.

Power Broom

Powerbrooming the synthetic turf fibers removes contaminates and smaller debris such as cigarette butts, pine needles, small rocks etc. on the turf. Do not over fibrillate the fibers. This will reduce its longevity.

Infill Placement

Powerbrooming the synthetic turf fibers removes contaminates and smaller debris such as cigarette butts, pine needles, small rocks etc. on the turf. Do not over fibrillate the fibers. This will reduce its longevity.

Disinfecting / Application of Enzyme Deodorizer (Optional)

I recommend using an SGW enzyme deodorizer to clean and rid any bacteria that may be present from spills, pet feces, blood, urine or vomit. Prior to using, wet down the synthetic turf so that the enzyme deodorizer will be able to get to the bottom of the fibers without drying out from hot weather conditions.

For more information regarding maintain of synthetic turf please contact J.W.: or call 888.846.3598