Zeolite, a Perfect Complement to Your Infill

October 28, 2015

Many installers ask “Why can’t I use Zeolite as the primary infill”?

That’s a good question.

Although opinions vary, Zeolite is NOT considered a primary infill because it is not heavy enough to be used as a primary infill.

Infill provides stability for synthetic turf. Zeolite is primarily used as an added infill, which is placed under the turf as well as at the base of the fibers to manage odor control. Zeolite is the #1 choice for pet turf areas for odor control. Zeolite is not made to withstand heavy traffic to keep fibers in a vertical state. The granular structure resembles a “honeycomb” appearance and does not constitute a stable grain to be installed as a complete infill. Zeolite should be mixed with SGW Envirofill or SGW Round Premium Silica (RPS) infill.

When Zeolite is wet, it absorbs up to 81% of its original weight in water and 55% of its weight in urine. However, once the granule dries out, it returns to its original state and is not heavy enough to keep the synthetic turf ballasted, which may allow wrinkles in the turf.

Under a microscope, Zeolite resembles a “honeycomb” structure. It is much softer infill than Envirofill or Silica sand. Because Zeolite becomes softer after it absorbs liquids, it is not a good candidate to be used as a 100% infill for synthetic turf.

For more information contact J.W. at askjw@sgwcorp.com or call 888.846.3598

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